Sunday 20 November 2016

University of California

University of California

University of California is one of the top most reputed university in United States of America for higher education and research. It is a world ranked university. This university have a wide range of success story in the field of research.

In 1969, University of California launched only with 10 faculty members and only 38 students. But now it have an abundance of students and faculties. It have about 138,000 students and 190,000 faculties.

With 10 campuses, 3 medical centres, 150 academic disciplines, 600 graduate degree programs, 238,700 students, 61 Nobel Laureate, 1.7 million living alumni, 20,000 UC extension courses, University of California became one of the top class university in the world.

Preparation for admission in University of California

Following things you should prepare to take an admission in University of California,

These are,


Test score: IELTS and TOEFL test score for non US residence is very important if you want to study in University of California. SAT reasoning score will give you a more advance benefit to study in University of California.

Social security number

Annual income: Annual income of parents or your own is required.

Citizenship status

Credit card: To make payment to university you required a credit card.

University of Alabama, United States of America

University of Alabama is a ranking public university of USA. In USA, University of Alabama is ranked 46th. As a leading university in USA, University of Alabama have a wide range of reputation.

In 1831, University of Alabama established as the first public college in Alabama state.

Academic programs of University of Alabama

University of Alabama operates Undergraduate and Graduate program as higher education. Besides of traditional programs there have an extra-ordinary Law program. Distance learning program in University of Alabama is another outstanding feature of higher education.

The field of study in undergraduate level in Arts and science, education, engineering, human environmental science, nursing, communication and information science.

Saturday 19 November 2016

Applied university course vs theoretical university course

Applied or theoretical, both university course is important for developing career. What you will chose as a bachelors or masters degree course for your university course is depends on your intuition. Both two courses can develop the skill of student in different way. Each courses develop brain in two different way. In first case, why we go to learn. There have different objectives of learning. We learn to develop our life. Each knowledge must have to be a proper application. Without application no learning can be say as a proper learning. Hence, each learning should have an authentic application. Applied study vs theoretical study Applied study is the application of theoretical study. Mobile phone to computer everything is the application of science. The theoretical study says that each types of energy, either it solar energy or heat energy can transform into another types of energy. Different theory of physics says that energy can never destroy, but it transforms. The ceiling fan is a common example of transformation of electric energy into mechanical energy. Scientists implemented the electrical energy into mechanical energy, light energy and others. Mass and energy is transformable. Einsteins mass energy transformation equation gives us such idea of mass transformation into energy. This equation is realised by establishment of nuclear energy plant. it is an applied form of physics theory.
There have different benefit of different types of study Theoretical study makes people more predictive and intuitive. Applied study makes people more skilled.


Wednesday 26 October 2016

Microbiology Bachelors and Masters course


Microbiology is a study on living organs animals or plants that is exactly too small to see with microscope.

Microbiology is the branch of biology that deals with microscopic organs. Microscopic means very small to see.

Microbiology is one of the popular university course to study. A large scale of brilliant student are found to take microbiology as their Bachelors and Masters degree course.

The core topics of study of microbiology is concerning with Virus and Bacteria.

Why microbiology is getting more popular as a bachelors and masters degree course?

There have a wide range of animals and plants kingdom all over the world. There have the abundance of microscopic organs than massive organs.

Nothing in the world have created without any beneficial effect for livings. Each microscopic organs have different beneficial effect as well as the harmful effect.

We should know the each effects of microbes to take an initiative Acton.

Application of microbiology

Microbiology have a wide range of application. Medical science is one of the best place of application of microbiology. Agriculture is very popular for microbiological application.

There have a bright career in the field of microbiology. There have an opportunity to earn high income from microbiology career.